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Image by Melanie Kreutz

Alicia Smith         

Professional School Counselor M.S. NCC


First, I would like to say how thankful I am to begin my school counseling career in MSD of Warren County. I can already see how dedicated, compassionate, and passionate this community is about the success of each student. Which leads me into my introduction well. Here are a few formal things to begin with:

  1. I am a recent graduate of Butler University's Master of Science in School Counseling program (its a mouthful I know ha). This year I will be taking online classes to complete my License in Mental Health Certificate. 

  2. I studied Clinical Psychology at IUPUI in the Purdue School of Science- Yes, I technically I am a Boilermaker; I guess.

  3. Finally, I have four years experience teaching English as a foreign language in Nanchang, China (you read that correctly I typed China ha). I really loved living in China. Some of you might wonder if I speak Chinese- Not really. hah I am a master at charades though, which was my basic mode of communication outside the university campus I taught at. 

Okay, now for the more informal fun things: 

  1. I married my best friend in June, 2019.

  2. We have a year-old German Shepherd, named Gideon- He is huge and a handful, but we love him most days. 

  3. Outside of work: I love to bake, be in the woods walking trails, laugh with family and friends, remain involved with our local church in Crawfordsville, and read (when I have free time, which actually is sparse, so the ideas is nice hah.)

    • A few of my favorite book series are: Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia â€‹

  4. Lastly, I love to travel. As you might have guessed from my stent in China. In my experience, the world is a beautiful place, full of wonderful people, great cultures to learn from, and fantastic food. 

  5. A few of my favorite things: 

    • Sunflowers

    • Autumn

    • Black coffee

    • Natural peanut butter

    • Dark Chocolate

    • Aldi, Fresh Thyme, and Hobby Lobby  ​ 


Contact Me


Williamsport Elementary School

206 E Monroe St

Williamsport, IN 47993

Phone: (765) 762-2500

Fax: (765) 762-0371


Pine Village Elementary School

 3756 E SR 26

Pine Village, IN 47975

Phone: (765) 385-2651

Fax: (765) 385-0124

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